I'm forcing myself on people
So, I'm "friends" online with a great many people. The majority probably don't believe the things I do, yet I have connected with them.
I've had a few people come to my page and rebuke me throughout the years, both publicly, and unfortunately rudely.
They've made comments that I'm a know it all, I am forcing my beliefs on everyone, I think people need to believe everything I believe, I think my version of Christianity is the only right one, etc.
This while they are on my page.
Let me reiterate, I have a great deal of online friends that don't believe what I believe.
I don't go to their pages and rebuke them for their beliefs.
They come to mine.
I'm a know it all trying to force my way on everyone.
I will reiterate again, they come to my page and rebuke me, I don't say anything on their page.
I share things on my own personal page.
I don't go to their pages and accuse them of anything.
I'm accused of being a know it all, I am forcing my beliefs on everyone, I think people need to believe everything I believe, I think my version of Christianity is the only right one, etc.
What's it say in scripture about a great delusion again?