What glorifes God?

Sometimes we can confuse an action that glorifies God. We have a tendency of looking at things in the "here and now" and sometimes we think violence or something else negative is the best course and gives God glory. As an example we can look at the many deaths in the OT, but Jesus came to show us a different way.

I wanted to take a moment to use a word picture to define something glorifying God and something that doesn't.

Here we go....

1 ) Karen is bathing her child, she gets a phone call, she never usually answers the phone, but this time runs to get the phone, she is lost in the conversation and without realizing it 20 minutes pass. She finally goes to check on her child and the child has drowned. When she conveys the story to others she says " I was distracted, and left my child in the tub and she drowned. Glory to God!"

2 ) Karen is bathing her child, she gets a phone call, she never usually answers the phone, but this time runs to get the phone, she begins to get lost in the conversation, but less than 4 minutes pass and she hears a faint voice that says, "check on your daughter." She realizes that she could have gotten distracted by the call so she goes to check on her child and she sees that her child keeps bobbing under the water. She returned just in time. When she conveys the story to others she says " I was distracted, and left my child in the tub, I can't believe I did something so foolish, but you know, I heard a small voice telling me to check on my daughter and I made it just in time. Glory to God!"

Which one glorifies God?

That one was pretty simple, I hope everyone got that one right so lets try this one:

1 ) My enemies surround me, I don't know what to do, they are angry and going to kill me, but fire falls from the sky and kills them all. Man, this could have been bad, I'm glad that He came to my rescue, these pagans were a scourge to me and other believers. Glory to God.

2 ) My enemies surround me, I don't know what to do, they are angry and going to kill me, but the Spirit gives me words to say, their hearts soften and I share the gospel with them and they come to love Jesus and spread the gospel throughout the area, numerous thousands come to know and love Christ through this event. I would have thought killing my enemies is the best route, but now I understand differently and I see how those people coming to know the Lord and spreading the truth of Him to so many was the best outcome and changed so many lives for the better. Glory to God.

Which one glorifies God?


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