Many times I get accused of "following man" due to what I share, and my beliefs. The interesting thing about that is that almost 100% of the time it's an accusation from people who's core beliefs have only been taught by "man" the last 100-150 years or so. If you study history you would find that most modern beliefs were taught only by man and usually they served a purpose, 9 times out of 10 a ne gative purpose, fear, oppression, control, superiority complex, judging, hypocrisy, us against them, slave/master relationships, man on a pedestal, etc. My beliefs are actually historically in tune with the church fathers, the ones who wrote scripture that people have placed on the highest pedestal, yet when you espouse the beliefs of those that wrote that worshipped bible, you get told you are not biblical. Confused yet? Yeah, I don't get it either. My beliefs, and what I share from wise men and women of God, empower people, they guide them into heali