An example of bad beliefs and rotten theology

I'm going to show an example of the type of stuff I am trying to educate and teach people about. The post I am going to quote below is a perfect example. With a little change in beliefs and theology you would take a person that is allowing of the enemy to cause destruction in their life, and mold them into a person who is rebuking the enemy and being the victor.

Read the following:

"I'm tired of giving the enemy credit for anything in my life. Yeah, I may be under various attacks, but you know what? God is always in control and He makes all things work together for my good. So any attack is for my benefit. Instead of just crying for protection from the enemy's attacks, I'm thanking God for blessing me with the attack because He will be glorified through it." [END QUOTE]

You see, this post I just quoted is a fairly typical Christian post or comment, it would probably get a lot of "likes" and "amens", but it is so deeply flawed.

Let me break it down for you line by disastrous line.

"God is always in control and He makes all things work together for my good."

My friend, God is not in control of everything that happens. He gave us dominion as stated in Genesis, which we handed over to satan, also found in Genesis. Jesus was victorious in gaining us that dominion back, but it is our job to walk in that dominion and to use it.

In this world satan attacks us, we face the challenges of living on a fallen world, and our own actions can bring unfavorable circumstances into our lives. The second part of this sentence is correct, God does work all things together for our good.

"So any attack is for my benefit."

This is absolutely false, we are told in 2 Timothy 3:16, what God uses to teach, rebuke, correct, and train. Attack don't seem to be listed my friend.

An attack is not for your benefit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, those things are for your benefit.

"Instead of just crying for protection from the enemy's attacks, I'm thanking God for blessing me with the attack because He will be glorified through it."

So, by believing this you just hand satan complete access to your life, you are welcoming them, you fool! God didn't bless you with an attack, the only one you are thanking for the attack is satan, don't be a fool!

God blessed you with being able to rebuke attacks, to calm the storms, heal the sick, raise the dead!

God is not glorified in suffering, He is glorified in healing. He is glorified in overcoming. He is glorified in shutting down the advancement of the enemy in your life. He is glorified in you at the first glimpse of something opposite of His character coming against you, you go on the attack with the ability and power he climbed on the cross to provide you.

Now normally I don't share someone's post, and I may seem like I'm being very blunt, but it's all in love, it really is.

You see I really love the foolish one who wrote the above and so does God. This man is in fact no longer a fool. The writer of that post was none other than me, I wrote that post November 29th, 2010.

I am not thankful for any attacks, I'm thankful that God showed me the truth and broke through the haze of the nonsense I had originally been taught and believed. That's why I have been placed on a mission to set others free as well.

We are not victims of attacks, we are victors over attacks.

This bogus belief system and theology that most subscribe to, which clearly has satan as it's source, raises a gaggle of victims.

God didn't call us to have us be bullied by darkness or the acts of this world, He called us to take dominion and set things right.


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