What is really going on?
The thing is that much of what is attributed to God even in "infallible" scripture isn't actually true, it was a relational perception at the time of writing. The Holy Spirit didn't make people robots and have them write beyond their revelation, they wrote as things were revealed to them and things that they believed. If any Christian of today was inspired to write a canon of scripture out of the 43,000+ denominations it would be slanted towards their beliefs.
God doesn't force you to believe something as false if you don't want to. He can try to reveal it to you but if you (speaking of anyone in general) are set in your beliefs He's not going to "make you" believe something about Him. People aren't mindless zombies. People have prejudices and beliefs that are ingrained in them through various teachings or life experiences. Some of those are toxic false beliefs. If you've been taught the sky is green most of your life it's going to take something major in your life for you to realize:
A. What you were taught is not true
B. The sky is actually blue
And it's going to darn near cause a mental collapse.
That's why it's spoken in scripture to renew our minds.
This explains the difficulty many that have been in American Christianity™ since their youth find it hard to believe the truth about Grace and things of that nature. It is never easy to face up to that something you believed half your life or even longer was not correct. For some reason our minds really go into panic mode when that happens, especially when the truth contradicts something we learned from many trusted or respected sources.
One of the issues at play in the OT that slanted their writings is that many believed an all-powerful God as being in complete control and could not fathom the character of God of giving dominion to His people and letting them have dominion on the earth, nor could they believe that an all-powerful God would allow a serpent to steal that dominion and now have power over the air, be the prince of this world, and other things satan is described as in scripture.
Their view was that if it's good it must be from God and if it's bad it must be from God, He's in control. They didn't differentiate good and bad as being from 2 separate sources. Nor did they realize that they entered into a covenant that was do good get good, do bad get bad that applied to them and them alone by their own agreement. They reaped what they sowed because they could not fathom a God that would let them reap what He sowed. The ones that would admit that good came from God and bad from some other source looked at it as that the bad must have gotten permission from God so they accepted the bad that they should have resisted as something they had to live with.
If we don't look through the lens of Jesus, we will take every bad thing that was attributed to God as fact when Jesus very clearly offers a view of God that differentiates itself quite a bit from the attributes in the OT, except maybe in the garden, the events with Adam and later with Adam and Eve showed God's love for humanity and unwillingness for anyone to be stuck in a fallen state for eternity.
If man's perceptions of God were accurate Jesus wouldn't have been crucified for not matching up to those perceptions. We should always read through the lens of Christ, if it doesn't sound like Christ, then it most likely wasn't God. I don't think Hebrews 1:3a can be any plainer and be any more direct about Christ and His actions and character pertaining to the actions and character of the Father.
In many novels the suspect in the first half ends up being innocent and the true offender is revealed in the second half. Sometimes the hero is blamed for the crimes and has to prove his innocence. As more clues are revealed we start to see this revelation and it changes our way of looking at the characters. That's the point I'm making, there are clues throughout scripture for people to see "WHO" God is.
If we take the earlier parts as the full revelation then we see a God that clearly does not love His neighbors, doesn't look like Jesus, nor sounds like 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. If we don't understand how to look at scripture we can end up having a very skewed view of God and in turn end up teaching many others this incorrect, vile, skewed view of God and disadvantage them in seeing God's true character in the future.