Trust, Faith, or Fear?

Deep down the reason that the majority of churches teach mixture is because they are scared to completely trust the Holy Spirit and Christ in someone. It leads to a fear towards believing that someone actually has Christ in them and the Holy Spirit because they have become so focused on different external evidences and have based a true conversion by their own measurements and their own time frames. The evidence they do see, they question in fear, and it's a direct consequence of their own teachings. Their teachings make converts who learn to walk the walk, and talk the talk, but lack the substance. What they teach is not biblical, but they will manipulate scripture to support their teachings. They are filled with fear that if they taught Grace that people wouldn't measure up to their self imposed standards. Yet Grace is the only thing that will lead to a heart transplant. We know fear's place in Job's life and how satan was able to bring calamity into his lif...