American Christians™ and their Nordic false god breed violence and decay.

The American Christians™ who promote and justify violence and hate, and then feign being shocked and appalled when children act out violently and cast aversion and blame on everyone else, are so devious to me. Their disreputable character once again has been revealed. Where do you think the world truly learns their violence from? What message do you think truly raises up a society that feels violence is how to deal with issues of contention. American Christians™, you are so eager blame satan? You say they were born with a blood lust? You are so quick to look outward, especially at those you hold bigoted views of. Well, American Christians™, you are gravely mistaken. They have learned their reliance on, and need for violence from you!!! Your American Church™, you and your American Christian™ teachings of violence, your worship of a nordic false god who salivates at the chance to steal, kill, and destroy. The evil false god that commits genocide. The American Christian™ god th...