Escape from Gaza

Anyone watch the movie "Escape from New York"? Anyone been to Manhattan Island? Anyone notice how crowded it is? There's about 3 million people on the island during the day Well in the movie I'm speaking of, Manhattan Island was surroun ded by a wall and was used as a prison. I think a lot of people should watch the movie, it would help people understand the logistics of current events a little bit better. If you take Manhattan island and make it a little over twice as long and a little over twice as wide, and get rid of about a million people, down to a little under 2 million people on it, you'd have Gaza. But add the walls from "Escape From New York" only push them up against the island. Oh, and remove all the sky scrapers so the space for living is even more limited and much more cramped. Now imagine that you're in that prison and you didn't do a darn thing. What would your outlook in life be? Would you get a little bit angry? Would you ...