Don't call the Holy Spirit a liar.

If you pay attention, in scriptures Jesus healed in a variety of different ways. He had a habit, it seems, of healing various people in various different ways. It should give us pause when we look at a singular thing as a way to manifest healing or manifest miracles. I think people pigeonhole healing and miracles due to their reliance on scripture, rather than reliance on Christ in them and the Holy Spirit. The problem with relying on scripture alone regarding ways to heal, is as I mentioned, that Jesus healed in a variety of different ways. Jesus did so many miraculous things we don't even have record of all of them, yet we try to place limits because we don't read it in scripture. John wrote that there were so many more things that Jesus did. He said that the books of the world couldn't hold the accounts of them. So, simply looking to scripture as an example of how to walk in healing and miracles is not going to tell you the be all and end all of healing and miracl...