
Showing posts from 2011

Wires cross

We need to remember that men and women are wired differently. That's why working on good communication is a must because sometimes those wires get crossed and it causes a huge spark and you have to slowly, gently, untwist them so they don't start a huge fire.


        If you choose, you can play this song as the soundtrack to this post, if it is not your cup of tea, continue on: Many times we walk in unforgiveness, it's such a life-killing emotion. I could spend hours explaining forgiveness, trying to convince why we should forgive, I could list what forgiveness is or isn't, the benefits to me or you, but I thought maybe I'd use a mental picture. I like when people describe things and you can visualize it, so here goes. Picture yourself standing before the cross, Jesus said His last words and breathed His last breath. His head drops and His Spirit is gone. Since we live in the "here and now" we know that He died to change our world, He was victorious over the work of darkness, but we wouldn't of known this that day. You may choke up picturing this, or you've heard and read about it so much that it doesn't have the impact it did when you first met Him and realized what He actually went through for ...


Occupy the Church... Find a Christ centered, Bible based Church... Call on the Lord to free you from your old life... Get on your knees and pray for this country and this world... That would make a real difference... And take a bath, hippie!!! j/k... Jesus is the only Messiah...

OT vengeance or NT Grace?

I've found it interesting that when we feel someone has wronged us we want OT vengeance, but when we wrong someone else we want NT grace. Something to think about.

Feelings cannot think

One of the most important things that you must accept is this: Your feelings cannot think - they just FEEL. Many people allow their feelings to control them. They have never seen, or refuse to accept, the fact that their emotions do not have the capacity to think! So your decisions cannot -- indeed must not-- be based solely on how you feel.

Mind games

Satan is a master at mind games, but God is the creator of your mind. Shut the door to the thoughts or whispers of the enemy, God has given you the ability to.

Christ in me

Do we truly understand when Paul said "Christ lives in me."? Many don't and some it takes until they come face to face with some adversity where they say "I've been trying to do this as you, but I'm failing, if You are truly in me or some part of me, carry me please." That's when they let go and they see that He was never the problem, they were. I'm not 2 people in one body, I'm not Christ and me sharing one body. I'm Christ in my body completely. When I fall that isn't a split personality or something. I'm not Christ on my good days and me on my bad days. You may say "if I'm not me, but Christ, why do I fall?" I'll try to explain it as best as I'm able. When we fall that is a reaction of memories, little remnants of the old creature floating through these new veins. The being Christ-like isn't Him, and the falling you. You are not separate, you are one. You see, I don't have to try to be Christ. W...