Welcome to my blog.

Well, I am new to this so excuse me if I ramble or drag on. I do have a goal for this blog, and hopefully it will all be made clear in the days, months and years to come. First of all, I want to wish everyone reading this good health, good spirits and wealth especially in these turbulent times in the United States. Of course I make these good wishes for humanity as a whole, so whatever country you may be in right now, or are from, I wish you all the best. Now that that is out of the way, I am doing this because of Jesus. I never thought He would enter my life and make such a distinct change, but He did, and now I'm on this wonderful journey growing and being stretched beyond my imagination. I now have the desire to let others have this Joy that seems to make people smile whenever they see It, and so I entered into an endeavour to get this Peace and Joy into as many people's lives as I can, and to teach a little bit of what He has been teaching me. ...